Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a special type of communication medium through distributed\nsensor nodes. Popular wireless sensor nodes like ZigBee have splendid interoperability after IEEE\n802.15.4 standardization in the domain of wireless personal area network (WPAN). ZigBee has\nanother great feature mobility that makes the ZigBee network more versatile. The mobility feature\nof ZigBee mobile nodes has a greater impact on network performance than fixed nodes. This\nimpact sometimes turns into more severe because of network structure and mobility model. This\nstudy mainly focuses on the performance analysis of the ZigBee mobile node under Random and\nOctagonal mobility management model with the Tree routing method. The Riverbed academic\nmodeler is used to design, implement and simulate the ZigBee network under certain conditions.\nThis study also presents a competitive performance analysis based on ZigBee mobile nodes\ntransmitter and receiver characteristics under the observation of the mobility model. This indicates\nthat Octagonal mobility model exhibits better performance than the Random mobility model.\nThis study will constitute a new way for further designing and planning a reliable and efficient\nZigBee network.